When I woke up I thought that the weather must have been some sort of late Aprils Fools joke: snow. In the beginning of April. Nope, the snow was very real, though, luckily it has already melted.
I took the train (which is now my new favourite way of transportation) and stared out the window for 40 minutes, watching woods, fields,more woods and grafitti. (I love grafitti, but only the grafitti that have had some effort put into it..the rest is just meaningless ugly doodling in puclic places.)
Anyway, in uppsala Jenny met me at the train station and then we waited for Filippa. We walked around town, went to Jennys place and had lunch, walked into Uppsala Cathedral (GORGEOUS), had an ice cream, talked and walked and talked some more.
Jennys view from her rented room. I'm slightly jealous, but whattahey, I love her anyway. :D
Uppsala Cathedral, built in the late 13th century. interior: gothic, exterior: kinda' gothic: Gothic revival, they altered alot in the 19th century. We weren't shure if photography was allowed inside, so we didn't take any pictures, but the interior is awesomely awesome. Ailes, stained glass windows, very ornamental, painted roofs..
And last, but not the least:
Presenting Mr Swan.
I had a really nice time.:)
Hm, by the way, yesterday when we waited for mass to finish up at the cathedral so that we could go inside to admire the building, i called the service 'jesus fangirl club meeting' or somethiing like it.
And later the same night I woke up with the worst pain in my back + stomach + head ever.
Okay goood, I'm sorry for my constant blasphemia, but please make the pain go away?D:
Åh, jag blev också arg på snön. Sen när jag upptäckte det strålande solskenet idag skyndade jag mig ut för att köpa glass. Det var alldeles för kallt. Hu.