I'm also thinking of applying to a folk college (?) in Malmö. The only problem is that i don't know wheter to apply for ceramics or graphic design. Oh yeah, and another problem is that it's in Malmö, and i'm not. Oh, and the fact that I won't really have my parents blessing for applying to an esthetical program (they're more like 'follow your dreams - if it involves a university degree'). Gosh, this is hard.
+ I've comed to realize that my social life will be very limited over the next month: There's the SAT tomorrow (6 hours of torture..ahem, I mean, 6 hours of testing for awesome skills), the work sample for architecture is due to next week, I've got an art history exam in 19 days (with lots and lots of text books to read) and if I want to apply to folk school (couldn't hurt, could it?) I've got another set of work samples with deadline in the end of April, and then there's the drivers license test in the beginning of May..
Phew. I think that that was it.
(If you don't hear from me, I've been crushed under my ridicoulus amount of text books.)
Oj, mycket att göra nu. Men jag tycker att det låter fantastiskt roligt att du ska söka till arkitekturprogrammet! Yey! Och jag tycker iofs att du ska söka till folkhögskolan också. Trots att det är en bit till Malmö och för att man kanske blir fattig konstnörd resten av sitt liv. För tänk vad glad man är ändå! Lycka till med allt!