Today was way awesome though. (I will look for synonyms to awesome later. It's getting slightly over used.)
I woke up early and baked bread, and met up with Tina and Henrietta - pals from high school - for lunch.
Tina gave me a summery bag filled with mysteries (until I opened it):
Then it became very clear on what it contained. BEN&JERRYS. SUGARRUSH, YEEEEAAAH!
(so, now I'm at home and the caramel chewchew has a party in my mouth)
Sadly my meeting with my friends were short, I had a class. It doesn't show on them, (externally I mean), that Henrietta and Tina are my two most morbid friends. Though if we dissect their thoughts we may find some really weird stuff. I wish that they'd melt their minds together and write an awesome sci-fi book Drag-me-to-hell + Terry Pratchett style.
I went home and had ice cream and tea (just my kind of poison) and checked the mailbox.
I'm so glad I did that.
I've got three penpals, Amanda in France, Anna in Germany and Monica in Texas. Or well, Monica is a mailpal..until now:
Monica (or just Shiny) likes to (quote) 'decorate the crap' (end of quote) out of her letters. The package contained sunshine&peace&love straight from Texas. And some other awesome material stuff:
I heart the crab lace. Just the colours I like together.
Oh, and best of all:
Everyone should get one at least once in their lifetime.
Well, i'm home alone for the moment. I'm gonna rock and roll with the volume turned up now.
BYE :D (party party!)
Svar: Gör det! Den är verkligen sevärd! :) Den där boken lät ju lite spännande! Har inget att läsa för tillfället, så jag ska försöka komma ihåg det när jag är på bibblan nästa gång!
SvaraRaderaAngånde ditt förra inlägg tänkte jag också hylla jorden (eller iallafall alternativa planeter). Så här får du lite distraktion från pluggande (jag kan sitta och dregla över de här i timmar)