To celebrate this, my loved ones has made my day super great/awesome/nice as humanly possible.
It started off with my dad, congratulating me and driving me off aaaaall the way to school (I missed two trains, and apparently a powerline had been cut off, so I wouldn't have been able to take it anyway) where I had a long lecture about Japanese art. The fun continued:
My lovely partners in crime/art historians/friends brought me the hughest muffin I have ever seen. Choco-Tastic.
After school I met up with Karro. Her amazing plan for beach 2010 is to run around so much that all that anyone could see of her is a huge blur. See, no imperfections. Not that she's got any flaws anyway, but her plan is simply genious.
We had a jolly good time, and went for lunch aaaaaand..
not that I'm super materialistic or anything
Karro got me the cutest tea cup everrrr.
The light was crappy and my hands were shaky, but it's sooo pretty. I'll drink tea in this one for ever. (Though, Gabbi deserves an honourable mention, once she got me a totally awesome teacup (heh, from the same store, comming to think of it) but I dropped it on the floor.****)
Then we wen't to two 2-hand shops, where I bought two creepy dolls. Small in size. I've got creepy ideas for them. more on that later. in the second shop, Beyond Retro, we wen't materialistic again. Karro got two amazing dresses. They weren't classy prom dresses or anything, but they were definetly unique. I got
myself a navy/sailordress:
Obviously I'm working on Karros beach 2010 blur myself, but the dress is blue and white and it makes me feel gorgeous, and kinda' like this:

We slowly moved towards Odenplan, where we picked up some photos I ordered. Jenny is the talanted photographer, I just swiped her negatives and left them for development. The pics were all sunny and shiny and..studenty..ish..

Happy times.
After getting the photos we went home.:) It was a long and beautiful day filled with fun!
My facebookaccount and cellphone have never been as popular. Thanks for all the nice greetings!
At home we had cake and stuff, more about that tomorrow, when the party will continue. Yaaay!
****It happened like this: I was on the hammock, enjoying my poisons (tea and sunshine). When I was all done and relaxed I took my teacup to wash it. And in it was a spider. And my supersense was tingeling. Uh..
Long story short:
"SPIDER AÁAAAH!" and i threw the whole cup away.
I've done that with our telephone too. It was all quiet and I was supposed to make a phonecall, and then it rang and I was startled and well..At least it survived. The teacup didn't.
On the bright side: my reflexes are great. No flying objects can kill me. Except for basket balls, but that's a different story.
Sv: Åh, tack så mycket!
SvaraRaderaDet tyska ordet för hammock är mycket coolare än det svenska/engelska. Det heter hollywoodschaukel (hollywoodgunga). Så det så!