Tentan är över, länge leve tentan! Nu har jag en förbannad (den bokstavligen spökar för mig) hemtenta kvar.
Eller nej, inte länge leve tentan, leve Jenny som kom till Stockholm idag och gjorde post-tenta-upplevelsen alldeles fantastisk! Trots att jag varit alldeles för optimistisk i mina klädval imorse värmde i alla fall Jenny, inifrån sådär. Sen på vägen hem när hon inte var där så fick jag väl intala mig att jag var på en sommarstrand.
Nu sitter jag här med nyköpt krympplast (lovely) och tekoppen jag fick av karro och jultetjag fick av Gabbi. Mina vänner skämmer bort mig, för jag är bra och de är bäst. Det är så det känns, och då måste det ju vara så.
Pappa fyller år idag. Han är inte i Stockholm nu, men imorgon kommer han. Då ska jag välkomna honom hem från jobbet med fiskgratäng, kanderade apelsinskal och ett fint kort. Pappapower.
onsdag 28 april 2010
tisdag 27 april 2010
Äh, jag hade ambitioner om att vara sådär duktig och internationell och blogga på engelska, men det får vara för idag. Det är ändå ingen utomlandsmänniska som läser (vad jag vet om) och jag har..öh, jag har ju en följare, som Henrietta uppmärksammade, men jag har inte den blekaste aning om vem den människan är. Hon måste ha förväxlat mig med någon annan.;)
Idag har jag tentapluggat, vilket..suger. Kort och gott.
Har också handlat sex stycken cellplastkartonger a 50x70 (underskatta aldrig problemen med att få igenom sex A2kartonger genom tunnelbanespärrarna. Kartongerna luktar som en blandning av lim, IKEAmöbler och de tidiga Harry Potterböckerna. Jag skulle kunna snusa på dem hea kvällen.
Det kanske jag gör till Desperate Housewives också (efter jag har pluggat tills hjärnan blöder).
snipp snapp snut
så var sagan slut
ÅH! Imorgon fyller pappa år! Någon som har presenttips åt en man som är närmre åtti än tretti, men som allra helst skulle vilja vara 20 igen?
Idag har jag tentapluggat, vilket..suger. Kort och gott.
Har också handlat sex stycken cellplastkartonger a 50x70 (underskatta aldrig problemen med att få igenom sex A2kartonger genom tunnelbanespärrarna. Kartongerna luktar som en blandning av lim, IKEAmöbler och de tidiga Harry Potterböckerna. Jag skulle kunna snusa på dem hea kvällen.
Det kanske jag gör till Desperate Housewives också (efter jag har pluggat tills hjärnan blöder).
snipp snapp snut
så var sagan slut
ÅH! Imorgon fyller pappa år! Någon som har presenttips åt en man som är närmre åtti än tretti, men som allra helst skulle vilja vara 20 igen?
måndag 26 april 2010
Shrinking plastic
An eternity ago I got myself some shrink plastic.
Now, months later I decided that it was time to use it. (Partly so that i could procrastinate studiyng) I wanted to make some sort of cool geometric pendant, and try out which colours that stuck to the plastic.

It turned out kinda' crappy (two corners of the pendant stuck togheter, that's why it looks/is dented) but at least I know the do's and don't until next time. There will definitely be a next time.
The plastic (reminds of a thick Overhead paper)shrinks when exposed to heat, and it turns into what looks like a crumpled piece of paper, then it unfolds and becomes flat. It was like watching a flower unfold.
Now, months later I decided that it was time to use it. (Partly so that i could procrastinate studiyng) I wanted to make some sort of cool geometric pendant, and try out which colours that stuck to the plastic.
It turned out kinda' crappy (two corners of the pendant stuck togheter, that's why it looks/is dented) but at least I know the do's and don't until next time. There will definitely be a next time.
The plastic (reminds of a thick Overhead paper)shrinks when exposed to heat, and it turns into what looks like a crumpled piece of paper, then it unfolds and becomes flat. It was like watching a flower unfold.
söndag 25 april 2010
Little ms Clumsy
lördag 24 april 2010
Josh Simpson
Josh Simpson might be the coolest glass artist on earth.

Yes. That is glass, not an underwater photo that I thought first.
Nu tackar alla Karro fint för att hon tipsade mig! Alla utom jag tackar, för nu vill jag ju bli glaskonstnär! Och vi alla vet vad som kommer att hända: glas är fett varmt och jag kommer tutta eld på nåns atalje och säkert behöva amputera en massa kroppsdelar. Tack Karro. Tack.
(Nej, egentligen borde jag bara plugga, men tittar på hans glasvärldar istället. Det är därför jag är bitter. Tentatider.)

Yes. That is glass, not an underwater photo that I thought first.
Nu tackar alla Karro fint för att hon tipsade mig! Alla utom jag tackar, för nu vill jag ju bli glaskonstnär! Och vi alla vet vad som kommer att hända: glas är fett varmt och jag kommer tutta eld på nåns atalje och säkert behöva amputera en massa kroppsdelar. Tack Karro. Tack.
(Nej, egentligen borde jag bara plugga, men tittar på hans glasvärldar istället. Det är därför jag är bitter. Tentatider.)
fredag 23 april 2010
i've got mail. And friends. :) yaaay!
If we say that I'm the power plant of Springfield, yesterday Homer Simpson did his job terribly, and I had a(n) (angst) meltdown.
Today was way awesome though. (I will look for synonyms to awesome later. It's getting slightly over used.)
I woke up early and baked bread, and met up with Tina and Henrietta - pals from high school - for lunch.
Tina gave me a summery bag filled with mysteries (until I opened it):

Then it became very clear on what it contained. BEN&JERRYS. SUGARRUSH, YEEEEAAAH!
(so, now I'm at home and the caramel chewchew has a party in my mouth)
Sadly my meeting with my friends were short, I had a class. It doesn't show on them, (externally I mean), that Henrietta and Tina are my two most morbid friends. Though if we dissect their thoughts we may find some really weird stuff. I wish that they'd melt their minds together and write an awesome sci-fi book Drag-me-to-hell + Terry Pratchett style.
I went home and had ice cream and tea (just my kind of poison) and checked the mailbox.
I'm so glad I did that.
I've got three penpals, Amanda in France, Anna in Germany and Monica in Texas. Or well, Monica is a mailpal..until now:

Monica (or just Shiny) likes to (quote) 'decorate the crap' (end of quote) out of her letters. The package contained sunshine&peace&love straight from Texas. And some other awesome material stuff:

I heart the crab lace. Just the colours I like together.
Oh, and best of all:

Everyone should get one at least once in their lifetime.
Well, i'm home alone for the moment. I'm gonna rock and roll with the volume turned up now.
BYE :D (party party!)
Today was way awesome though. (I will look for synonyms to awesome later. It's getting slightly over used.)
I woke up early and baked bread, and met up with Tina and Henrietta - pals from high school - for lunch.
Tina gave me a summery bag filled with mysteries (until I opened it):
Then it became very clear on what it contained. BEN&JERRYS. SUGARRUSH, YEEEEAAAH!
(so, now I'm at home and the caramel chewchew has a party in my mouth)
Sadly my meeting with my friends were short, I had a class. It doesn't show on them, (externally I mean), that Henrietta and Tina are my two most morbid friends. Though if we dissect their thoughts we may find some really weird stuff. I wish that they'd melt their minds together and write an awesome sci-fi book Drag-me-to-hell + Terry Pratchett style.
I went home and had ice cream and tea (just my kind of poison) and checked the mailbox.
I'm so glad I did that.
I've got three penpals, Amanda in France, Anna in Germany and Monica in Texas. Or well, Monica is a mailpal..until now:
Monica (or just Shiny) likes to (quote) 'decorate the crap' (end of quote) out of her letters. The package contained sunshine&peace&love straight from Texas. And some other awesome material stuff:
I heart the crab lace. Just the colours I like together.
Oh, and best of all:
Everyone should get one at least once in their lifetime.
Well, i'm home alone for the moment. I'm gonna rock and roll with the volume turned up now.
BYE :D (party party!)
torsdag 22 april 2010
Happy Earth Day
I love you Earth. :)


(source) Uh, only like the coolest globe EVER? Except for the real deal of course.

(source) Map, 1600'ds style.

(source) NEET! Love the idea, from RespectYourMother on Etsy. (And I get the feeling of being overwhelmed while trying to imagine what Earth from space looks like. I'm already overwhelmed by all the gorgeousness/coolness/beautifulness of nature that I can see.)
I wonder why Earth Day isn't as known about as Earth Hour?
If it wasn't for Google's logo I would never have known about it. Anyway, go and recycle, use a cloth bag instead of a plastic one while grossery shopping, turn your lights off, be a herbivore for a day, pet a sheep, spread the love. In short: go and make earth happy. :)


(source) Uh, only like the coolest globe EVER? Except for the real deal of course.

(source) Map, 1600'ds style.

(source) NEET! Love the idea, from RespectYourMother on Etsy. (And I get the feeling of being overwhelmed while trying to imagine what Earth from space looks like. I'm already overwhelmed by all the gorgeousness/coolness/beautifulness of nature that I can see.)
I wonder why Earth Day isn't as known about as Earth Hour?
If it wasn't for Google's logo I would never have known about it. Anyway, go and recycle, use a cloth bag instead of a plastic one while grossery shopping, turn your lights off, be a herbivore for a day, pet a sheep, spread the love. In short: go and make earth happy. :)
onsdag 21 april 2010
(scary stuff, kinda')
Today I've stared grudgingly at the snow that just keeps on falling outside. Now. In late April. Snow. (OK, it melts when it touches the ground, but still!)
I've also realized that the baby brother in Baby Blues is waaaay cooler than his sister:

Great minds think alike.
Though I was never sent to the principals office. :)
I don't know why I've always liked scary stuff, I suppose that you could blame it on my brothers, watching Seed of Chucky with me at the age of..6-7? Oh, and they always watched the X-files which was past my bedtime so once a week I always fell asleep to the seriously creepy signature song. Then came Harry Potter and I fell in love with wizards and witches too. They're not so scary in Harry Potter. But they're maaagical. Oooh. I might have been drawn to ghosts even without my brothers, but I do think that they at least had some sort of influence on me.:P
Aaand time went and then I turned 17 and by then I was already hooked to ghosts/gore/boogeymen and made my very first Jack-the-ripper-penguin (Karro introduced me to penguins):
What do you like to read/watch?
Oh. And does your job include making zombie noises? Skilled piano player/computer game nerd Tobias does. And I'm slightly jealous.
I've also realized that the baby brother in Baby Blues is waaaay cooler than his sister:

Great minds think alike.
Though I was never sent to the principals office. :)
I don't know why I've always liked scary stuff, I suppose that you could blame it on my brothers, watching Seed of Chucky with me at the age of..6-7? Oh, and they always watched the X-files which was past my bedtime so once a week I always fell asleep to the seriously creepy signature song. Then came Harry Potter and I fell in love with wizards and witches too. They're not so scary in Harry Potter. But they're maaagical. Oooh. I might have been drawn to ghosts even without my brothers, but I do think that they at least had some sort of influence on me.:P
Aaand time went and then I turned 17 and by then I was already hooked to ghosts/gore/boogeymen and made my very first Jack-the-ripper-penguin (Karro introduced me to penguins):
What do you like to read/watch?
Oh. And does your job include making zombie noises? Skilled piano player/computer game nerd Tobias does. And I'm slightly jealous.
tisdag 20 april 2010
Yesterday I did tons of things, the most fun was that I slept over at Gabbis.
We made dinner (macs in tomatoe soup, really advanced) and glared at the sunset (volcanic ashes + view from 14th floor is the shit) while wishing that every day the skies would be that beautiful.
We also logged on to Chatroulette, we're we talked to random strangers, made funny faces with a hungarian and responsibly enough didn't flash our boobs. We also saw a lot of male genitalia (<--- if you ever try Chatroulette, you have been warned). We didn't encounter any piano playing geniouses, but in general everything and everyone was hilarious.:)
Today I've mostly studied. I'm kinda' unmotivated at the moment, and the rapidly approaching exam doesn't do wonders to my mood.
Trying to comfort myself by readin up on the word 'A lot'/'Alot' You can do it right here.
We made dinner (macs in tomatoe soup, really advanced) and glared at the sunset (volcanic ashes + view from 14th floor is the shit) while wishing that every day the skies would be that beautiful.
We also logged on to Chatroulette, we're we talked to random strangers, made funny faces with a hungarian and responsibly enough didn't flash our boobs. We also saw a lot of male genitalia (<--- if you ever try Chatroulette, you have been warned). We didn't encounter any piano playing geniouses, but in general everything and everyone was hilarious.:)
Today I've mostly studied. I'm kinda' unmotivated at the moment, and the rapidly approaching exam doesn't do wonders to my mood.
Trying to comfort myself by readin up on the word 'A lot'/'Alot' You can do it right here.
söndag 18 april 2010
Sunday to do list:
[x] get spring shoes
[] work out
[] go to Gabbis
[] Practise Drive
[] Read Impressionism (I'm slow. Oh, so slow.)
Hmmm. I'd better pick up the pace.
[x] get spring shoes
[] work out
[] go to Gabbis
[] Practise Drive
[] Read Impressionism (I'm slow. Oh, so slow.)
Hmmm. I'd better pick up the pace.
fredag 16 april 2010
It's my party!
This very day, 19 years ago, I was born.
To celebrate this, my loved ones has made my day super great/awesome/nice as humanly possible.
It started off with my dad, congratulating me and driving me off aaaaall the way to school (I missed two trains, and apparently a powerline had been cut off, so I wouldn't have been able to take it anyway) where I had a long lecture about Japanese art. The fun continued:
My lovely partners in crime/art historians/friends brought me the hughest muffin I have ever seen. Choco-Tastic.

After school I met up with Karro. Her amazing plan for beach 2010 is to run around so much that all that anyone could see of her is a huge blur. See, no imperfections. Not that she's got any flaws anyway, but her plan is simply genious.

We had a jolly good time, and went for lunch aaaaaand..
not that I'm super materialistic or anything
Karro got me the cutest tea cup everrrr.

The light was crappy and my hands were shaky, but it's sooo pretty. I'll drink tea in this one for ever. (Though, Gabbi deserves an honourable mention, once she got me a totally awesome teacup (heh, from the same store, comming to think of it) but I dropped it on the floor.****)
Then we wen't to two 2-hand shops, where I bought two creepy dolls. Small in size. I've got creepy ideas for them. more on that later. in the second shop, Beyond Retro, we wen't materialistic again. Karro got two amazing dresses. They weren't classy prom dresses or anything, but they were definetly unique. I got
myself a navy/sailordress:

Obviously I'm working on Karros beach 2010 blur myself, but the dress is blue and white and it makes me feel gorgeous, and kinda' like this:

We slowly moved towards Odenplan, where we picked up some photos I ordered. Jenny is the talanted photographer, I just swiped her negatives and left them for development. The pics were all sunny and shiny and..studenty..ish..

Happy times.
After getting the photos we went home.:) It was a long and beautiful day filled with fun!
My facebookaccount and cellphone have never been as popular. Thanks for all the nice greetings!
At home we had cake and stuff, more about that tomorrow, when the party will continue. Yaaay!
****It happened like this: I was on the hammock, enjoying my poisons (tea and sunshine). When I was all done and relaxed I took my teacup to wash it. And in it was a spider. And my supersense was tingeling. Uh..
Long story short:
"SPIDER AÁAAAH!" and i threw the whole cup away.
I've done that with our telephone too. It was all quiet and I was supposed to make a phonecall, and then it rang and I was startled and well..At least it survived. The teacup didn't.
On the bright side: my reflexes are great. No flying objects can kill me. Except for basket balls, but that's a different story.
To celebrate this, my loved ones has made my day super great/awesome/nice as humanly possible.
It started off with my dad, congratulating me and driving me off aaaaall the way to school (I missed two trains, and apparently a powerline had been cut off, so I wouldn't have been able to take it anyway) where I had a long lecture about Japanese art. The fun continued:
My lovely partners in crime/art historians/friends brought me the hughest muffin I have ever seen. Choco-Tastic.
After school I met up with Karro. Her amazing plan for beach 2010 is to run around so much that all that anyone could see of her is a huge blur. See, no imperfections. Not that she's got any flaws anyway, but her plan is simply genious.
We had a jolly good time, and went for lunch aaaaaand..
not that I'm super materialistic or anything
Karro got me the cutest tea cup everrrr.
The light was crappy and my hands were shaky, but it's sooo pretty. I'll drink tea in this one for ever. (Though, Gabbi deserves an honourable mention, once she got me a totally awesome teacup (heh, from the same store, comming to think of it) but I dropped it on the floor.****)
Then we wen't to two 2-hand shops, where I bought two creepy dolls. Small in size. I've got creepy ideas for them. more on that later. in the second shop, Beyond Retro, we wen't materialistic again. Karro got two amazing dresses. They weren't classy prom dresses or anything, but they were definetly unique. I got
myself a navy/sailordress:
Obviously I'm working on Karros beach 2010 blur myself, but the dress is blue and white and it makes me feel gorgeous, and kinda' like this:

We slowly moved towards Odenplan, where we picked up some photos I ordered. Jenny is the talanted photographer, I just swiped her negatives and left them for development. The pics were all sunny and shiny and..studenty..ish..

Happy times.
After getting the photos we went home.:) It was a long and beautiful day filled with fun!
My facebookaccount and cellphone have never been as popular. Thanks for all the nice greetings!
At home we had cake and stuff, more about that tomorrow, when the party will continue. Yaaay!
****It happened like this: I was on the hammock, enjoying my poisons (tea and sunshine). When I was all done and relaxed I took my teacup to wash it. And in it was a spider. And my supersense was tingeling. Uh..
Long story short:
"SPIDER AÁAAAH!" and i threw the whole cup away.
I've done that with our telephone too. It was all quiet and I was supposed to make a phonecall, and then it rang and I was startled and well..At least it survived. The teacup didn't.
On the bright side: my reflexes are great. No flying objects can kill me. Except for basket balls, but that's a different story.
torsdag 15 april 2010
Pretty things
Since Karro showed me this ring yesterday, I've had pink and pretty colours in my mind all day long.

(from here)
That ring is awesome. Hidesous, yet awesome.
Other nice things are:


(and these shoes)

(and this necklace)

(and rain boots in my favourite pattern)
Hmmm. If only I was filthy rich..:)

(from here)
That ring is awesome. Hidesous, yet awesome.
Other nice things are:


(and these shoes)

(and this necklace)

(and rain boots in my favourite pattern)
Hmmm. If only I was filthy rich..:)
onsdag 14 april 2010
Today in pictures:

And in words:
So I woke up and drank my cup of blood (no wait, i mean smoothie) while enjoying the sunshine on the hammock. Our hammock skipped spring and went straight to summer, you can sit on it wearing shorts and t-shirt without freezing (and do note that I'm pretty much always cold).
Then I finished the achitecture program work sample (and in my mind I laughed as happily as a madman) and went to practise driving (and almost killed an innocent squirrel. I swear, if I'd hit it I would have started to cry.) and then i got some beadssssss. Precioussssss. (Glass beads turns me in to Gollum. I totally get why land and gold was traded off with glass beads. They're pretty.)
Oh, I took the bus home, remebered that I was supposed to buy some paper from the book store, stepped off the bus and..well, since it was such nice weather I decided to walk back to the mall. I got completely lost, and ended up on the station before the station I got off at. I'm just pure genious.:)
And that was my day. Phew.
+ walking around in the forest.
And in words:
So I woke up and drank my cup of blood (no wait, i mean smoothie) while enjoying the sunshine on the hammock. Our hammock skipped spring and went straight to summer, you can sit on it wearing shorts and t-shirt without freezing (and do note that I'm pretty much always cold).
Then I finished the achitecture program work sample (and in my mind I laughed as happily as a madman) and went to practise driving (and almost killed an innocent squirrel. I swear, if I'd hit it I would have started to cry.) and then i got some beadssssss. Precioussssss. (Glass beads turns me in to Gollum. I totally get why land and gold was traded off with glass beads. They're pretty.)
Oh, I took the bus home, remebered that I was supposed to buy some paper from the book store, stepped off the bus and..well, since it was such nice weather I decided to walk back to the mall. I got completely lost, and ended up on the station before the station I got off at. I'm just pure genious.:)
And that was my day. Phew.
+ walking around in the forest.
tisdag 13 april 2010
söndag 11 april 2010
Some girls collect shoes/stamps/boyfriends/whatever and others collect awesome books.
Like me. I don't mean fiction (though i've got a shelf full of it) I'm talking about how-to-books, books with myths and books with photos and books that I've bought just so I could stare at pictures from the 80/90's.

This is most of my collection.

I especially loooove the 20-30 year old sewing books. I've never really learned how to sew, but I like the colours. Plus, the patterns aren't hard, so I probably will try to make something sometime.

And I've got a huge crush on this west. Which means that I'll also will have to learn how to knit. (Or go bazonkas on another west with some markers, yaaay.)
Thank you second hand.
For now I'll just have to be satisfied with reading a hundred pages about impressionism art instead. Not as fun as actually making a painting, but still very interesting.
Like me. I don't mean fiction (though i've got a shelf full of it) I'm talking about how-to-books, books with myths and books with photos and books that I've bought just so I could stare at pictures from the 80/90's.
This is most of my collection.
I especially loooove the 20-30 year old sewing books. I've never really learned how to sew, but I like the colours. Plus, the patterns aren't hard, so I probably will try to make something sometime.
And I've got a huge crush on this west. Which means that I'll also will have to learn how to knit. (Or go bazonkas on another west with some markers, yaaay.)
Thank you second hand.
For now I'll just have to be satisfied with reading a hundred pages about impressionism art instead. Not as fun as actually making a painting, but still very interesting.
fredag 9 april 2010
Busy Bee
For the first time on four years (i.e. my application to hisghchool) I'm doing work samples. This time it's for college, the architecture program in four different cities.

I'm also thinking of applying to a folk college (?) in Malmö. The only problem is that i don't know wheter to apply for ceramics or graphic design. Oh yeah, and another problem is that it's in Malmö, and i'm not. Oh, and the fact that I won't really have my parents blessing for applying to an esthetical program (they're more like 'follow your dreams - if it involves a university degree'). Gosh, this is hard.
+ I've comed to realize that my social life will be very limited over the next month: There's the SAT tomorrow (6 hours of torture..ahem, I mean, 6 hours of testing for awesome skills), the work sample for architecture is due to next week, I've got an art history exam in 19 days (with lots and lots of text books to read) and if I want to apply to folk school (couldn't hurt, could it?) I've got another set of work samples with deadline in the end of April, and then there's the drivers license test in the beginning of May..
Phew. I think that that was it.
(If you don't hear from me, I've been crushed under my ridicoulus amount of text books.)
I'm also thinking of applying to a folk college (?) in Malmö. The only problem is that i don't know wheter to apply for ceramics or graphic design. Oh yeah, and another problem is that it's in Malmö, and i'm not. Oh, and the fact that I won't really have my parents blessing for applying to an esthetical program (they're more like 'follow your dreams - if it involves a university degree'). Gosh, this is hard.
+ I've comed to realize that my social life will be very limited over the next month: There's the SAT tomorrow (6 hours of torture..ahem, I mean, 6 hours of testing for awesome skills), the work sample for architecture is due to next week, I've got an art history exam in 19 days (with lots and lots of text books to read) and if I want to apply to folk school (couldn't hurt, could it?) I've got another set of work samples with deadline in the end of April, and then there's the drivers license test in the beginning of May..
Phew. I think that that was it.
(If you don't hear from me, I've been crushed under my ridicoulus amount of text books.)
torsdag 8 april 2010
(Prince) Carl Philip Bernadotte
I think that this fire-screen by Carl Philip Bernadotte is so brilliant that it deserves its own post. This is his artwork:

..and this is a comparison picture, painted by Govert Camphuysen in 1661:

The old castle of Stockholm was built in the 13th century, and burned down in 1697 (and for as long as I can remember I have always thought that it would have been way neater with a 13-century-castle with towers n' stuff instead of the square one we've got now), an event vividly illustrated by various artist, among them Montalegre:

I really think that the fire screen was a great idea, it's not just the design that is awesome, it's how C.P.B has taken a part of history and brought it into the living room. I really think that he's managed to catch the dramatic event:

Plus, it really, really looks super cool.
Hm, I wonder if people in the design buissness sees Carl Philip as a prince or as a designer colleague? It must be hard to have a name famous not for your accomplishments but for your relatives.

..and this is a comparison picture, painted by Govert Camphuysen in 1661:

The old castle of Stockholm was built in the 13th century, and burned down in 1697 (and for as long as I can remember I have always thought that it would have been way neater with a 13-century-castle with towers n' stuff instead of the square one we've got now), an event vividly illustrated by various artist, among them Montalegre:

I really think that the fire screen was a great idea, it's not just the design that is awesome, it's how C.P.B has taken a part of history and brought it into the living room. I really think that he's managed to catch the dramatic event:

Plus, it really, really looks super cool.
Hm, I wonder if people in the design buissness sees Carl Philip as a prince or as a designer colleague? It must be hard to have a name famous not for your accomplishments but for your relatives.
onsdag 7 april 2010
Humdidum :)
I was home sick all day yesterday, but today I felt much better so I
1) went to school
2) had lunch with my mum
3) had a driving lesson.
I had a big gap between lunch and driving though, so I went to some 2-hand shops. Nowadays I try to avoid buying clothes at big chains because..yeah, the clothes are pretty, but everyone else is wearing them too, so where's the..unique? (Heh, I sound very snobbish for someone who 6 days out of 7 don't even care what she's wearing anyway)
The best thing would be the sew clothes myself, but I don't know how. Nut D-I-Y:s and remakes always works, so this weekend I'll try to make some nice T-shirts with paint for textiles.:)
1) went to school
2) had lunch with my mum
3) had a driving lesson.
I had a big gap between lunch and driving though, so I went to some 2-hand shops. Nowadays I try to avoid buying clothes at big chains because..yeah, the clothes are pretty, but everyone else is wearing them too, so where's the..unique? (Heh, I sound very snobbish for someone who 6 days out of 7 don't even care what she's wearing anyway)
The best thing would be the sew clothes myself, but I don't know how. Nut D-I-Y:s and remakes always works, so this weekend I'll try to make some nice T-shirts with paint for textiles.:)
tisdag 6 april 2010
Yesterday I took a daytrip to Uppsala to visit my friend Jenny, and Filippa was there too.
When I woke up I thought that the weather must have been some sort of late Aprils Fools joke: snow. In the beginning of April. Nope, the snow was very real, though, luckily it has already melted.
I took the train (which is now my new favourite way of transportation) and stared out the window for 40 minutes, watching woods, fields,more woods and grafitti. (I love grafitti, but only the grafitti that have had some effort put into it..the rest is just meaningless ugly doodling in puclic places.)
Anyway, in uppsala Jenny met me at the train station and then we waited for Filippa. We walked around town, went to Jennys place and had lunch, walked into Uppsala Cathedral (GORGEOUS), had an ice cream, talked and walked and talked some more.

Jennys view from her rented room. I'm slightly jealous, but whattahey, I love her anyway. :D

Uppsala Cathedral, built in the late 13th century. interior: gothic, exterior: kinda' gothic: Gothic revival, they altered alot in the 19th century. We weren't shure if photography was allowed inside, so we didn't take any pictures, but the interior is awesomely awesome. Ailes, stained glass windows, very ornamental, painted roofs..
And last, but not the least:

Presenting Mr Swan.
I had a really nice time.:)
Hm, by the way, yesterday when we waited for mass to finish up at the cathedral so that we could go inside to admire the building, i called the service 'jesus fangirl club meeting' or somethiing like it.
And later the same night I woke up with the worst pain in my back + stomach + head ever.
Okay goood, I'm sorry for my constant blasphemia, but please make the pain go away?D:
When I woke up I thought that the weather must have been some sort of late Aprils Fools joke: snow. In the beginning of April. Nope, the snow was very real, though, luckily it has already melted.
I took the train (which is now my new favourite way of transportation) and stared out the window for 40 minutes, watching woods, fields,more woods and grafitti. (I love grafitti, but only the grafitti that have had some effort put into it..the rest is just meaningless ugly doodling in puclic places.)
Anyway, in uppsala Jenny met me at the train station and then we waited for Filippa. We walked around town, went to Jennys place and had lunch, walked into Uppsala Cathedral (GORGEOUS), had an ice cream, talked and walked and talked some more.
Jennys view from her rented room. I'm slightly jealous, but whattahey, I love her anyway. :D
Uppsala Cathedral, built in the late 13th century. interior: gothic, exterior: kinda' gothic: Gothic revival, they altered alot in the 19th century. We weren't shure if photography was allowed inside, so we didn't take any pictures, but the interior is awesomely awesome. Ailes, stained glass windows, very ornamental, painted roofs..
And last, but not the least:
Presenting Mr Swan.
I had a really nice time.:)
Hm, by the way, yesterday when we waited for mass to finish up at the cathedral so that we could go inside to admire the building, i called the service 'jesus fangirl club meeting' or somethiing like it.
And later the same night I woke up with the worst pain in my back + stomach + head ever.
Okay goood, I'm sorry for my constant blasphemia, but please make the pain go away?D:
lördag 3 april 2010
(19th century)
I like:

Van Gogh, self portait with bandaged ear.
Who also said
One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever came to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on their way.
Poetry surrounds us everywhere, but putting it on paper is, alas, not so easy as looking at it.

Älvalek/Dancing Elves, August Malmström.

Richard Berg, Nordisk sommarkväll

Theodore Gericault, The raft of Medusa
I like alot.

Van Gogh, self portait with bandaged ear.
Who also said
One may have a blazing hearth in one's soul and yet no one ever came to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on their way.
Poetry surrounds us everywhere, but putting it on paper is, alas, not so easy as looking at it.
Älvalek/Dancing Elves, August Malmström.

Richard Berg, Nordisk sommarkväll

Theodore Gericault, The raft of Medusa
I like alot.
fredag 2 april 2010
Aaaah, in between of cleanin' and later going to Gabbi, there's nothing like a little religious brainwashing.:)
Poor kids, they're going to be so screwed up.
Poor kids, they're going to be so screwed up.
torsdag 1 april 2010
Mmm, I've been incredibly spoiled today.:)
I started the day off by taking a driving lesson, then I headed into town to meet up with my mum. I bought a jeans jacket for myself (I'm going to make it super duper extra awesome somehow) and then i suddently bumped into my brother and we said hi and 'ladidadidaaa' and stuff like that.
Anyway, I got a haircut (looks the same as usual, only shorter and..smoother. For now. I can't believe how straight and shiny and smooooth my hair is right now, compared to my usual..muppetness.) and my mum treated me to lunch, a salad with chevre, beets, walnuts and honey. My tastebuds had a party in my mouth. They cartwheeled.
Hmm, and then i tried to find a present for my brothers birthday (no luck) and then I went home and practise drived with my dad. No studiyng whatsoever, which was nice.
I started the day off by taking a driving lesson, then I headed into town to meet up with my mum. I bought a jeans jacket for myself (I'm going to make it super duper extra awesome somehow) and then i suddently bumped into my brother and we said hi and 'ladidadidaaa' and stuff like that.
Anyway, I got a haircut (looks the same as usual, only shorter and..smoother. For now. I can't believe how straight and shiny and smooooth my hair is right now, compared to my usual..muppetness.) and my mum treated me to lunch, a salad with chevre, beets, walnuts and honey. My tastebuds had a party in my mouth. They cartwheeled.
Hmm, and then i tried to find a present for my brothers birthday (no luck) and then I went home and practise drived with my dad. No studiyng whatsoever, which was nice.
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