måndag 22 mars 2010


Gosh, I'm tired. It feels like my eyes will just pop out of my head (so yeah, I'll go to bed soon) and my brain kinda..throbs. It might have turned into gunk, though I'm not shure if gunk hurts.
Ah well. As long as it doesn't sloosh out of my ear when I lean my head. (euw, imagine to wake up with that on your pillow)

Today consisted of:


+ I made a super easy bracelet, just for fun. (Uh, well, I don't do anything unless it isn't fun..? Or, you know..If I have to do them.)

The sad part is that I'll have to study like a maniac tomorrow to. 400 years of art is supposed to fit into my tiny little brain. p:
But on wednesday when the exam is over (finally, thank you)I can do all the things I've had to prioriate away. wheeee!

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