tisdag 9 mars 2010

oooh, pretty!

Looking for some awesome (<--- I think that 'awesome' must be the word I write the most. It's a good thing.;)) jewellery I came across Rivkasmom on Flickr. She does the most amazing jewellry. Some with a touch of vintage, lots with a steampunk theme.

Like this ring:

(Rivkasmom on Flickr made the ring & took the pic' and here's the source)

I am in love with it.
The only person/thing that would want a ring more than I'd like that one on my finger must be Sauron and his Ring.
(+ it reminds me of Harry Potter and the philosophers' stone)

3 kommentarer:

  1. Oh, so cool!!! and you know what?? I also thought of Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone when I saw it!! :D

  2. Haha I can definitely see the resemblance with the flying keys from Harry Potter; wasn't it in the chamber of secrets though? Or maybe I have a really bad memory :D.

    Love the ring by the way! Steampunk is cool ;)

  3. me to! miriam! itäs lovely, and no, it really was in "the philosofers stone", you know, they sneaks by the big dog and the evil plant, and the next thing is the room with the keys!! ;)

