I was an hour early, so I sat in the sunshine and ate bananas and thought about how much more efficient my study hours would be if the textbooks were made like comic books. Then it wouldn't be so boring reading them + people usually remember pictures, not words. It's a win-win situation. (Except for the increasing amount of pages that the textbook comic would need. Ugh, heavy.) :)
I have learned that when Virgin Mary was told by an Angel that she was to give birth to God's son (The Announciation), she went through five different stages of emotions. These stages were ofcourse described to the people by priests and they also stuck around in the art world..This is Boticellis 'The Announciation' from 1490:

(Source. Thank you Wikipedia.)
Her five stages of emotions (I don't remember the names, but at first she was surprised that an angel spoke to her, and later she accepted to be the mother of Jesus) are shown by vivid hand gestures. Like above, where she (according to me) looks like a humble kung fu fighter. She did not practise kung fu. Obviously..
Eh..I lost my train of thought.
Art is beauuuutifuuuul.
Exams are not.
Ahh, Interesting to be able to analyze art like that, i guess it's the same with music also, but on two completely different planes :D. And yes, it does look like she has subdued the angel with some wicked Kung Fu .. Guess he didn't see that coming!
SvaraRaderasv: precis, är stolt över att vara en del av harry potter generationen ;)
SvaraRaderaOch ja, hurra för minus tandställning!!!, det är i morgon jag ska ta bort den nu, ser verkligen fram emot det :D
vad har du gjort idag då?^^