Today I had my very first art history exam.
I think that it went okay. I hope that it went okay.
A question or two into the test I must have stared into thin air for about ten minutes, while humming on a song and then reality caught up with me and I though OMG I’M IN THE MIDDLE OF AN EXAM.
Came home, made some cream puffs for my awesome friend Gabbi and me and drew this picture.
I officially declare my comment the first one on this blog! (Hah, bet you didn't see that coming, you first-post grabbers you.. .. yeah.. *cough* anyways..) Congratulations on your first exam, I hope the test results come back positive, despite the inspirational daydreaming.
SvaraRaderaCream puffs sounds very nice... so nice that I'm actually pondering whether or not to bake something tonight..
Anyways, first post (Mwahaha!)
// Toby