måndag 22 februari 2010


When I woke up today it was -20 degrees outside, and the headlines of the paper went: 'stay at home if you can'. Pretty unmotivating, but I had to go to school anyway.

There was nothing to do but to put on so much clothing that you looked like a mix of the michelin man and an easter witch (head cloth + rosy cheeks). I'm just happy that I didn't meet any penguins set on killer mood;

Those guys are dangerous.

And yes.

I am weird.

1 kommentar:

  1. You know.. I encountered these sneaky bastards yesterday (In a game world, but who does say that everything in games can't be true?), they started out as cute and cuddly:


    but once you got to close to them they either threw bombs or made shish kebab out of you with knives:


    I think they should warrant a warning in these crule wintertimes to keep casualties to a minimum! And sorry for not responding on interpals yet, My work is killing me.. literarily :P
