pretty huge on photopaper. But I don't know, the white areas might look weird.
Today I also panicked about me growing up and having to decide what to study the comming fall. I'd love to follow my dreams, but I'd rather not live in a card board box during winter - which is sad, 'cause I tihnk I'd be a kickass librarian. It's just not the quiet, I'd love the storytelling, the filing, the people who borrow books, the fanart that I'd make kids draw..oh, and i get the good kind of chills whenever I encounter something that is Organized, like..a library.
(and in this moment, people with way higher expectations and ambitions than me deeply sigh and wonders why I would want to waste my life?)
I've had some really cool experiences in libraries :D, One was when a librarian friend of mine brought me down to the library archives on the bottom level.
SvaraRaderaThere were books covered in goatskin from the early 15th Century laying around there, I didn't want to break anything though, So I let them be, but I did look into a handwritten translation of the bible from the early 17th century though.
Being a librarian isn't that bad I think :), and it also means you will become one of the most civilized and educated stereotypes of Society!