söndag 28 februari 2010


Yesterday I was at the annual booksale. I managed not to purchase anything except for a couple of postcards and some stickers (hint Amanda, hint!) mostly because my dad arrived from Baltimore and brought home two books I'm dying to read. :D

Before I start any of them i must read some more school stuff.
We learned about Jan van Eyck a couple of lessons ago, his artwork is amazing. Especially this peace, The Arnolfini Portrait (1434):


The details are absolutely stunning, I wish I get the chance to see this painting for real some day.

1 kommentar:

  1. Åh van Eyck. Den där tavlan är en av mina favoriter. Älskar alla små detraljer i den. Konstnären i spegeln. Handen på magen. Hans signatur på väggen i bakgrunden. Den är grym helt enkelt!
