söndag 28 februari 2010


Yesterday I was at the annual booksale. I managed not to purchase anything except for a couple of postcards and some stickers (hint Amanda, hint!) mostly because my dad arrived from Baltimore and brought home two books I'm dying to read. :D

Before I start any of them i must read some more school stuff.
We learned about Jan van Eyck a couple of lessons ago, his artwork is amazing. Especially this peace, The Arnolfini Portrait (1434):


The details are absolutely stunning, I wish I get the chance to see this painting for real some day.

torsdag 25 februari 2010

Time moves forward just a little bit to fast

I'm thinking of ordering this that I drew a while ago:

pretty huge on photopaper. But I don't know, the white areas might look weird.

Today I also panicked about me growing up and having to decide what to study the comming fall. I'd love to follow my dreams, but I'd rather not live in a card board box during winter - which is sad, 'cause I tihnk I'd be a kickass librarian. It's just not the quiet, I'd love the storytelling, the filing, the people who borrow books, the fanart that I'd make kids draw..oh, and i get the good kind of chills whenever I encounter something that is Organized, like..a library.

(and in this moment, people with way higher expectations and ambitions than me deeply sigh and wonders why I would want to waste my life?)

onsdag 24 februari 2010


I spent most of the day in school, where I took very little notes, but doodled lots and lots.

Then I went to the dentist.

"You don't really like this, do you?"
"...almost done!"


Then I finally came home, and I doodled some more..and used a ruler:

Nothing mindblowing about it.. but it's not done yet. (insert evil laughter here)

Tomorrow I will (eh, more like 'should') read a gazillion pages for class, and then I will doodle some more. Might also make an awesome header.

måndag 22 februari 2010


When I woke up today it was -20 degrees outside, and the headlines of the paper went: 'stay at home if you can'. Pretty unmotivating, but I had to go to school anyway.

There was nothing to do but to put on so much clothing that you looked like a mix of the michelin man and an easter witch (head cloth + rosy cheeks). I'm just happy that I didn't meet any penguins set on killer mood;

Those guys are dangerous.

And yes.

I am weird.

söndag 21 februari 2010

Let it snow, let it snow

We've got snow. Plenty of snow. (Although I'd love to have some more). Yesterday it snowed all day, and I though YEAH SNOWMAGGEDON HAS SPREAD, and I think we got 1 dm more snow, which gives us a total of..maybe..40 cm. :)

Since all the trains into town are cancelled and the busses leave from here once an hour I think I'll stay at home all day (listening to this song), even though I was supposed to meet a friend.
I can pretend to be a bear for today and sleep and/or read some art history, with some hot coco. I love snow.

fredag 19 februari 2010

I've made a pair of earrings + other stuff

I started off my day with making a pair of earrings:

I've been doing a lot of jewellry lately, since I accidentaly knocked my box of beads on the floor. Instead of picking it all up I started to match all the beads together, and now they've been on my floor for over a week. It's a mess, but it's fun.

I've also made these recently:

And many, many more stuff. I love beading.

A little later I went to meet my brother. We went to buy some china for his new apartment, and since we've got some deciosion issues, he ended up getting two different kinds of tea cups. They were both awesome, so it worked out.

torsdag 18 februari 2010

Today I had my very first art history exam.
I think that it went okay. I hope that it went okay.
A question or two into the test I must have stared into thin air for about ten minutes, while humming on a song and then reality caught up with me and I though OMG I’M IN THE MIDDLE OF AN EXAM.

Came home, made some cream puffs for my awesome friend Gabbi and me and drew this picture.
Wheee. 